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Thursday 1 January 2015

NY Resolution-ish

I don't really like new years resolutions coz you know damn well no one sticks to them but I have decided to give myself some goals to aim for...
Wording it that way makes me feel better when I fail to do them.
1. I'm going to look after myself more.
This includes Skin/hair care routines. I seriously need some tlc over here. I'm going to research and implement a proper routine. Which, might I add, will include food too. So I'm not saying that I'm going to aim to lose weight coz that's one of those biggies that makes you feel really poop when you don't do it but if it happens as a result of actually taking care of myself, then bonus!
2. I want to be more independent.
Which will definitely mean going in for and passing my driving test buying a nice little car all of my own. So watch out for adventures this year because I want to have so many.
3. I want to learn more.
This is more of what I was talking about here. I want to do something more, you know? I either want to do a course on something, learn something new, start a business or try and make a real go of blogging as a career but I need a change somewhere and I need to get out of this rut that I feel like I'm stuck in.
4. Blogging.
I'm still quite new to this whole blogging thing, so regardless of whether I try and make a career out of it I do enjoy it so I really want to get a wiggle on and get more organised - have properly planned posts instead of just emptying my head for you nice people to read.
5. Speaking of reading.
I want to read so much more, I think I've read maybe 3 books total last year! *slaps hand* My kindle must feel unwanted. I'm going to make it my mission that I read a hell of a lot more this year so book suggestions may also feature in my blog and if you have any please - give me them now!! please :)
I think 5 is more than enough to say these are goals and not a resolution.
Fun fact - I did work with a guy once who gave up chocolate as a new years resolution. As he was a stubborn little ... person... he did it, solely because everyone told him that he couldn't. After the following new year he ate so much chocolate he made him self sick.... There's a lesson in there somewhere.
Any who, Night all
Good luck on you NY Resolutions!
Gina xoxo

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