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Sunday 30 November 2014

Wedding Diary - Week 24th November 2014

Gosh this week has been a difficult, busy week at work. It also didn't help that I barely slept. This week we have a had a live rendition of fox and the hound, LITERALLY!

There is a fox that lives round near us and it decided to sit at out doorstep and bark/yap/whine through the door at my dog (I know it was on our doorstep because my bf went out to shoo it away and it just looked up at him) so obviously my dog started barking back.
None stop. At 2am. Each night.
Honestly surprised I didn't murder anyone this week I've been so grumpy and tired.

So I really cant wait for my hen do next Saturday which is going to be a spa day with my best friends and my mum.
I'm so going to make the most of the relax time I think.
I'm having a dermalogica facial, a hot stone back massage and a tummy wrap.. eeeekkkk I'm so excited. will definitively get as many pics as possible, but back to this weekend.

Saturday I went to pick up my wedding dress and veil so that's now hung up in my spare room, all clean and steamed.
Fun fact
 Did you know it's best not to keep your dress in the plastic dress bag that you get with your dress?? It doesn't let your dress breathe and it gets all foisty.
So when I went to pick it up Wendy at the alteration shop asked me to bring a douvet cover with me as its made of cotton and it allows it to breathe and it stays fresh. No one wants a damp, limp looking wedding dress. 

There was a Christmas fair at the museum near us there were raffles and cake stalls and a Santa inside the museum for the kids. Outside they had a fair ground and birds of prey so I took a few pics and pottered around the stalls and held an owl with the biggest eyes I've ever seen it was sooo cute. I wanted to stroke it but I wasn't allowed, booooo but it was still cute.
We also bought a baby Christmas tree, I've named it Teresa Green.
Haha get it?
Trees are green. . . . . . no? ok. Well I named it Teresa anyway. So cute.
Seems these weekly diary posts end up coming out on a Sunday.
So until next Sunday.. Laters x

Gina xoxo


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