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Sunday 1 March 2015

Pandora charms, what does yours mean?

So some one asked me about my bracelet the other day and it made me think. Pandora charms are a bit like tattoos in the fact that each one is personal and each one has its own story and its own memory and I quite like that, so I thought I'd do this post and hope that inspired other people to write a post about their Pandora's and the stories behind them.
This is my bracelet:

These were my first charms I got when I first got my bracelet so they don't really have massive significance but I love them all the same. 
This butterfly one, I got for the same reason I got my butterfly tattoo. To me they symbolise freedom and I love them.
I have butterflies on almost everything I can, scarves, tops, bags...
These are my clips, to keep all of my charms in place, these don't have a meaning, but they are the same. I had to get these the same due to my slight OCD when it comes to symmetry. Which I get will sound weird when I have a bracelet full of different charms, but trust me it makes me feel better. 

I got my angel to symbolise my nana that passed away a couple of years ago now. She was my angel, she's the one who gave us the deposit for our house. Without her we would never have been able to afford to buy our house.
This one is for my other nana who passed away a long time ago now, I used to stay over at her house every Friday night up until being a teen when she got ill. She died around Christmas and that year is the first and only year I remember it actually snowing on Christmas day.
These were for my birthday last year from Mikey.
The one on the right is a tiara, and on the charm, it says
 My Princess because that's what he calls me. 

 Mikey bought me this as a wedding gift, the anchor means hope, the heart means love and the cross means faith. To say he picked it out himself I was really impressed and I love it.

Mikey also picked this one out for valentines day this year. It's a little cupid with a little gold arrow.
I think he is getting pretty good a picking out charms for me.
As I said, I hope this inspires you to post about your Pandora's or any other charm bracelets you have and if you do I'd love you to send it to me so I can see it. I love things with personal meaning and significance.
Hope you liked mine.
Gina xoxo

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