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Wednesday 18 February 2015

Musings update

I know it's been a while since I've written anything on here but in my defence I have been dying with yet another cold.
So I haven't really done anything apart from feel sorry for myself and watch Pretty little liars, seriously though, if you're not already on that, get on it! Addicted!!
I told my friend about it after I'd watched the first series, she's now finished series 5 and I've only just finished series 3. Some one obviously has too much time on her hands.... #JustSaying.
I've literally taken every cold medicine/remedy/syrup under the sun and so far nothing has made me any better so I took myself off to the doctors this morning, turns out I have a chest infection. Fun.
So guess who has antibiotics!?
I DO! Ugh can't wait to feel better.
It's funny, when you feel rubbish, you decide that as soon as you feel better you're going to do loads more stuff, like when you can breathe you'll go to the gym and be really energetic and run around like a headless chicken... I know this is not going to happen but leave me be, it's keeping me going.
I don't think people realise just how much your patience is reduced when you're not well... and trust me I don't have a lot of patience to start with, so being at work is... interesting.
At the moment it takes all my energy to control my sarcastic outbursts, you cant seriously expect me to stop rolling my eyes too - give me a break I am trying!
Speaking of trying - I have forced my self to take a load of pics today for my next couple of blogs because guilt is eating me up for not blogging and also if I don't blog now I can see my self getting way too comfortable not doing it at all when I get home from work, energetic or not.
Keep your eyes peeled for those and I shall be back soon.
Gina xoxo

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