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Saturday 7 February 2015

Ramblings of a night owl

Apologies in advance for the ramblings of girl still awake at stupid o'clock in the morning (2:10) but fact is I can't sleep because my head is buzzing with ideas and thoughts and the only way to get rid of said buzzing is to write it down, usually I write in my diary but honestly it takes more effort to write than it does to type and I don't have that kind of energy right now. Plus this is kinda what I started this blog for in the first place, my ramblings .... so here goes.
No ever tells you how hard buying your own house is going to be. Like yea my mum made a point of listing all the bills I'd have to pay and yea she made a point making me do chores so that I would know what I needed to do but that's not what I mean. I mean like actually having your own place, not a rented, fully furnished, already decorated type place. A place where you get it and there is work to be done to it and because you own it guess who's doing that work, yea, you! Guess who also has to pay for said work, yea, you!
It's so frustrating knowing or having an ideas of how you want your home to be like but having to wait so long for it to happen. Sorry, if you're rich this post doesn't apply to you, just us working class folk and as working class you have to do things bit by bit, that bit is usually done or paid for around payday and it's really hard seeing I only get 12 of those a year.
As I said I know exactly what I want to do with this house and you know what, half the wall paper is already bought but even after spending all your money on stuff for the house, like wallpaper you still have to find the time and effort to bloody put it on the walls, which when you work all week and you don't get home until after 6 everyday you really struggle to find the time to do on an evening and the weekend is the only time you see family and friends or chill out after having a long shitty week at work.
My parents did tell me that building a home takes time and it's a constant process once you've decorated the whole house, it's taken that long that its about time to start the whole process all over again with the first room you completed.
I mean is any one else finding this hard or am I just ridiculously impatient?

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